CodeBlocks  is considered as a good IDE for coding in C and  C++ programming languages. It's easy to use and a user friendly IDE. It is available in Ubuntu Software Center already. But the problem is it's an old version of CodeBlocks having version as 13.12. The latest versions is 16.01. The latest version of software are always made up minimized bugs and improvements. So we can not neglect the year gap. Here I'm going to tell you the way how to install the latest version of CodeBlocks via PPA. You have to follow 3 easy steps. Be sure that you have active internet connection.

  • Open up the terminal and type this command to add the PPA.
                sudo add-apt-repository ppa:damien-moore/codeblocks-stable
  • Update your system to be aware of the added PPA.
                sudo apt-get update
  • Add this command to install CodeBlocks.
                sudo apt-get install codeblocks codeblocks-contrib

Now  you have install the latest version 16.01 of CodeBlocks to your machine. Enjoy it!